Jason T Isaacs

Associate Professor of Computer Science


Current Classes Fall 2022

COMP 121 Intro to Programming in C for STEAM

Introduces students to problem-solving using algorithmic methods via a procedural programming paradigm using a high-level language. Fundamental programming constructs are presented in a manner appropriate for students with no prior programming experience. The emphasis is on engineering and scientific applications and includes programming and practical hands-on problem solving, as well as an introduction to programming microcomputers.


COMP 350 Introduction to Software Engineering

Concepts and techniques for systems engineering, requirements analysis, design, implementation, and testing of large-scale computer systems. Principles of software engineering for the production of reliable, maintainable, and portable software products. Emphasis on functional analysis and structured design techniques. Topics include unit, integration and systems testing, configuration management, and software quality assurance practices. Participation in group activities involving analysis, design, and implementation of a software-intensive system. Introduction to Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE).


COMP/IT 499 Capstone Project

Research and develop a proposal for a significant Mechatronics project under faculty supervision.


IT 491 Capstone Preparation

This course involves the research and development of a proposal for a significant software project under faculty supervision.


COMP 599 Graduate Seminar

Oral presentations of current advancements in the field, reports on students’ research, master thesis, and projects.

Classes Taught

  • COMP 121: Intro to Programming in C for STEAM (F18)
  • COMP 150: Intro to Object-Oriented Programming (F15, S16, F16)
  • COMP 350: Intro to Software Eng. (F17, S18, F18, S19, F19, S20, F20)
  • COMP/EMEC 462: Embedded Systems (S16, S17, F20)
  • COMP/EMEC 470: Mobile Robotics (S19, S20, S21, S22)
  • COMP 490: Topics in Computer Science: NASA Swarmathon (S17)
  • COMP 490: Advanced Software Engineering (S18)
  • COMP 490: Computational Biology [Now COMP/BIOL 436] (F18)
  • COMP/IT 491: Capstone Preparation (F15, F16, S17, F17, F18, S19, F19, S20, F20, S21, S22)
  • COMP 494: Independent Research (S16, F18)
  • COMP/IT 499: Capstone Project (S17, F17, F18, S19, F19, S20, F20, S21)
  • COMP 550: Advanced Software Engineering (F19, S21)
  • COMP 590: Advanced Topics In Computer Science (S16)
  • COMP 597: Master Thesis (F16, S17, F17, F18, S19, F19, S20, F20, S21)
  • COMP 599: Graduate Seminar (S20, F20, S21)
  • EMEC 463: Feedback Control Systems (S22)
  • UNIV 498: Faculty-Student Collaborative Research (S21)